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Current Training Topics

Vanessa & V Consulting Associates speak on a variety of topics related to organizational development, leadership and nonprofit organizations. Trainings are highly interactive & informative and leave recipients inspired with practical tools they can implement immediately.

The following are a few of the most popular & current training topics. If you are interested in any of these topics, want information on the length of training, cost or would like to have V Consulting customize a specific training for you, please contact Vanessa here.

High-Impact Nonprofit Organizations

Does your organization have a diverse and stable funding; people asking to join your board and staff, a charismatic and high functioning executive director and donors and funders calling to ask how they can give money to you? Can you articulate both what you do and what kind of impact you have on your community succinctly and consistently? If you'd like to say that all of the above characteristics describe your organization, this is the training for you. Despite our best intentions, the majority of nonprofit organizations are not high-impact; many struggle to merely accomplish the basic requirements of a nonprofit organization. This training presents the High-Impact Nonprofit Organization model, created by V Consulting. The model provides empowering and inspirational concepts based on current business literature and practical experience in the field, resulting in concrete ways to move your organization toward becoming a thriving and high functioning organization.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Boardroom Dancing: Creating a Healthy and Productive Executive Director and Board Relationship

The relationship between the board of directors and the executive director is the key to the success of a nonprofit organization. Stepping on toes and arguments over who is leading are common faults in the nonprofit boardroom dance. Learn about creating clear roles and expectations, recognizing and celebrating differences and how to create a culture that results in success.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

More Than Just a Warm Body: Recruiting, Orienting and Retaining a High-Impact Board

Recruiting for your board must be more than just filling positions with warm bodies. Intentional, strategic and timely recruitment & orientation will result in longer retention and higher engagement of your board. Learn the basics of recruiting strategically and critical topics for your board training and orientation.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Creating Sanctuary: Providing Effective Services to Victims of Trauma

Creating an organization that is safe, knowledgeable and effective in empowering victims of trauma takes deliberate and intentional action from all staff, volunteers and board members. Learn why considering the trauma that your clients have experienced in their lifetime is important, how it affects them and how you can create an organization that is both a safe haven and a place where your clients will be empowered to thrive.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Stay Relevant: Evaluate Your Impact to Tell Your Story

We are drawn to our work because we want to make a difference and believe passionately about our cause. In order to engage volunteers, develop donor relationships and promote our organization's efforts, we often rely on powerful storytelling. These stories are often emotional and communicate our personal story about why we are involved. If these stories are combined with the impact, or the change that your organization is creating in people's lives and communities, it will increase engagement and commitment to your cause.

Impact isn't a four-letter fact, identifying and measuring it can be quite simple, and very compelling.  The focus of this workshop will:


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Generational Differences: Recognizing and Celebrating Differences Between Generations in the Workplace

Our workplace is changing and so are the people in it. Significant demographic shifts are driving changes in the working environment, affecting how we hold meetings, how we recruit and retain talented staff and how we create effective high-impact organizations. Learn the driving factors of this shift, how to plan and support the impending leadership transition in your organization and how differences and similarities among various generations affect every activity.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Resource Development: Grant Writing Techniques

Grant writing is one way to increase income to your organization. This workshop not only provides information about where and how to write fundable proposals for private foundations and state contracts, but also how grant writing fits into the entire organization's resource development plan. Learn how to write attractive proposals that focus on measurable impact that you can achieve. Training will also focus on evaluating your organization's scale and capacity to manage and evaluate the success of the grant proposal once it's received. This is a great training for your entire staff to attend!


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

Meeting Facilitation: Taking the Mystery Out of Good Group Facilitation

Great, highly effective meetings don't just happen, they are made. Meetings don't have to result in eye rolling and sighs from participants that are counting the moments until the meeting is over. Learn a recipe for great meetings and group gatherings, including practical tools that will result in increased focus and desired results and decreased time investment. This is a great training for board members and staff leadership.


If you'd like the full presentation notes/slides, please contact Vanessa here.

V Consulting is also available to facilitate, train and speak on a wide variety of topics not listed here.